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    For the first time, researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have successfully used a new X-ray method for respiratory diagnostics with patients. Dark-field X-rays visualize early changes in the alveolar structure caused by the lung disease COPD and require only one fiftieth of the radiation dose typically applied in X-ray computed tomography. This permits broad medical application in early detection and treatment follow-up of respiratory ailments.

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    Scientists temporarily attached a pig's kidney to a human body and watched it begin to work, a small step in the decades-long quest to one day use animal organs for life-saving transplants.


    Pigs have been the most recent research focus to address the organ shortage, but among the hurdles: A sugar in pig cells, foreign to the human body, causes immediate organ rejection. The kidney for this experiment came from a gene-edited animal, engineered to eliminate that sugar and avoid an immune system attack.

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    Pittsburgh, Pa. (Ivanhoe Newswire)—With the COVID Delta variant fueling hospitalizations again, doctors are continuing to weigh the best treatments for seriously ill patients. A newly published study suggests that for some patients, a full dose of a blood thinner may improve their chances of avoiding a ventilator. Heparin

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    In current cardiac surgery practice, most operative procedures are performed on cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Additionally, even those surgical procedures planned as ´off-pump´ will at times utilize CPB as a backup if needed. The processes of initiating (´going on´) CPB, maintaining adequate perfusion and oxygenation during CPB (´on pump´), and terminating (´coming off´) CPB involve intricate balances between the cardiac surgical, perfusion, and anesthesia teams. Each of these stages presents the potential for catastrophe if not appropriately controlled and clear communication is not part of routine practice. While some may view the anesthetist´s role as extraneous while on CPB, Steven Bartels and Kathirvel Subramaniam (Pittsburgh/USA) focus on the anesthetist´s role and problems from the anesthetist´s perspective and within their realm regarding patients on CPB. The detailed review appeared in the new textbook "Extracorporeal Circulation in Theory and Practice" (edited by Rudolf Tschaut et al.).



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    Business Psychology: What is a specific Indian perspective on leadership? Professor Dr. Subhash Sharma (Bangalore) answers in "Wirtschaftspsychologie" Nr. 3/2021:

    The leader improves the managerial effectiveness in a self evolution model. "At level one is the selfish gene model, at level two it is self-interest, level three self-actualisation, level four is self-ethicalization and level five self-realisation. The idea of selfish gene rooted in biology, self-interest in economics, self-actualisation in psychology (Maslow´s idea), self-ethicalization in ethics literature - and self-realisation is rooted in spirituality.


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