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    An extremely powerful solar storm pummeled our planet 9,200 years ago, leaving permanent scars on the ice buried deep below Greenland and Antarctica.


    A new study of those ancient ice samples has found that this previously unknown storm is one of the strongest outbursts of solar weather ever detected and would have crippled modern communications systems if it had hit Earth today.

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    Cannabidiol (CBD), an active ingredient in cannabis, might help block infection with the virus that causes COVID-19.


    But don't go drop a bunch of cash on CBD oils at your local dispensary: The possible effect still needs to be tested in humans. (And definitely don't smoke marijuana to prevent coronavirus infection.) Even if the findings do hold up, they apply to the kind of medical-grade, Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved CBD used to treat seizure disorders, not the low-potency stuff available to consumers.

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    Many employees are claiming that organizational changes demanded a lot of effort and sacrifices on their part - without improvements; or the transition made things worse and seemed to follow managerial fashion trends rather than a visible strategy. These views are characteristics of a so-called organizational change cynicism.

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    The European Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (EBCP) decided "to bring it´s literature resource to a next level and use single literature source for the examination. After profound analysis EBCP concluded that (the new standard-textbook) ´Extracorporeal Circulation in Theory and Practice´ gives the complete overview of needed theoretical knowledge."

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    Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine have investigated the effect of infection with COVID-19 on the levels of oxidative stress, oxidant damage and glutathione, the most abundant physiological antioxidant. Compared to healthy age-matched individuals whose samples were taken before the pandemic started in 2019, patients hospitalized with COVID-19 had significantly increased levels of oxidative stress and oxidant damage, and markedly reduced levels of glutathione.

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