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    Cardiac Surgery: The collection of salvageable blood is standard

    "The use of cell salvage and subsequent transfusion of autologous blood have been shown to be an effective blood conservation strategy in both adult and pediatric cardiac surgery. Considering the potential risks associated with donor blood products as well as the increased morbidity and mortality associated with perioperative transfusion, the use of autotransfusion to minimize homologous blood use should be seriously considered by cardiac surgery programs," Molly Dreher emphasizes in the new textbook "Extracorporeal Circulation in Theory and Practice".


    Although cell salvage devices may differ in certain technological aspekts, the process of concentrating red blood cells through centrifugation is consistent across all devices. Centrifugation involves the use of centrifugal force to separate components of different density. With respect to salvaged whole blood, red blood cells are the densest of the formed elements and are pushed furthest away from the centrifuge´s axis of rotation. In this manner, they can be separated from the plasma, free hemoglobin, contaminants and other soluble components which are less dense.

    Even with varying disposables and different devices available, the collection of salvageable blood from the surgical field is standard now. But Molly Dreher describes different potential disantvantages to autotransfusion.

    Tschaut, Dreher, Rosenthal, Walczak (Eds.)
    Extracorporeal Circulation in Theory and Practice.
    Pabst, hardcover large size ISBN 978-3-95853-545-9. ebook isbn 978-3-95853-546-6

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