The basic principle of the hygiene management is the continuous monitoring, further development and improvement of applied activities, procedures or actions. The system will then be adapted not only to constantly changing external conditions like new technologies or legal directives but also to internal changes. The guidelines suggest a detailed hygiene plan:
- Occupational safety and health (incl. accident reporting)
- Organisational and function-specific instructions for the prevention of infections
- Organisation of cleaning and disinfection
- Reprocessing of Medical Devices
- Monitoring and measures safeguarding the microbiological quality of drinking water and dialysis fluids
- Food hygiene
- Waste disposal
- Action in case of accidents and incidents
The guideline provides a bridge between external documents (e.g. laws, guidelines, regulations) and internal documents (e.g. hygiene plan). Processes which are embedded in quality management become clear. The guideline represents a reference book which links hygiene with quality management and gives answers to practical questions in the daily work.