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    New Communication Technologies and Social Media - how to Use in Disaster Situations

    As the reliance on mobile communication devices increases more and more in daily routines, it seems natural that people will also rely on this communication form when it comes to crisis situations - may it be as a witness, bystander or victim. From the standpoint of First Responders (FRs) and Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) organizations, it is therefore important, not only to be aware of this development, but also to take measure and develop procedures, guidelines and tools to incorporate (mobile) online communication as an additional information and communication channel. Prof. Dr. Silke Schmidt, Dr. Daniela Knuth and colleagues provide research and guidelines in the textbook "iSAR+ New Media in Crisis Situations".

    iSAR+ New Media in Crisis Situations – Findings and Recommendations from the Human and Organisational Perspective

    The authors provide PPDRs with a manageable and usable set of guidelines that have been framed around three thematic areas: Operational Processes and Organisational Systems; Human and Organisational Factors; PPDR - Public Engagement. The guidelines should be considered as a set of guiding heuristics to adapt social and mobile media resources for their optimal use in local, regional, national and cross-border contexts. The guidelines need to be considered in the light of the overall concept of operations for major emergency and crisis management which seeks to represent the perspectives of various different actors and voices within the whole emergency management framework. To achieve this the various guidelines identified as relevant to particular PPDRs need to be put into dialogue with one another.

    Taken together the recommendations provide helpful information for the implementation and usage of new media in crisis situations. The use of social media for the follow-up of a disaster can also contribute to collect a large amount of experiences and ideas; moreover, a large target group can be attained with comparatively little effort.

    Silke Schmidt, Daniela Knuth (Eds.)
    iSAR+ New Media in Crisis Situations - Findings and Recommendations from the Human and Organisational Perspective
    Pabst, 194 pages, hardcover ISBN 978-3-95853-147-5, eBook ISBN 978-395853-148-2


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