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    "In recent years, patients with advanced end-stage heart failure have increased in numbers. The treatment consists of drug therapy, surgical therapy, mechanical support and heart transplantation. Due to the increasing shortage of organ donors, left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) are becoming the focus of clinical interest - not only as a bridge to heart transplantation, but more and more as an alternative to heart transplantation with destination therapy," PD Dr. Christian Heim (University Erlangen) and colleagues report in the new textbook "Extracorporeal Circulation". The experienced authors describe indications, applications and complications in detail. Additionally, future prospects are discussed:

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    As the reliance on mobile communication devices increases more and more in daily routines, it seems natural that people will also rely on this communication form when it comes to crisis situations - may it be as a witness, bystander or victim. From the standpoint of First Responders (FRs) and Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) organizations, it is therefore important, not only to be aware of this development, but also to take measure and develop procedures, guidelines and tools to incorporate (mobile) online communication as an additional information and communication channel. Prof. Dr. Silke Schmidt, Dr. Daniela Knuth and colleagues provide research and guidelines in the textbook "iSAR+ New Media in Crisis Situations".

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    The human recombinant anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody COR-101 was developed in close cooperation of Technische Universität Braunschweig, the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) and the biotech company YUMAB GmbH in Braunschweig. The antibody is currently undergoing phase Ib/II clinical trials for the treatment of moderate to severe COVID-19 by CORAT Therapeutics GmbH. The story of the discovery and development of this antibody was now published in the Journal "Cell Reports".

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    Suicide bombings are causing a rising number of causalties worldwide. These attacks are characterized by the ability of terrorist organizations to detonate high powered explosive devices in proximity to large groups of civilians. The devastating effects of heavy shrapnel and blast wave combine to cause a wide array of injuries. Severe injury to gas-containing organs is common, multiple entry sites are frequent, and severe soft tissue damage is widespread. Thoracic, abdominal and pelvis-traversing missiles are not uncommon among survivors. Triage and initial evaluation are essential in these chaotic scenarios. Israeli experts in all fields of medicine provide pragmatic knowledge, how to treat and manage the victims: The textbook "Terror and Medicine" is based and focused on practical experience.

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    Many organ transplantations fail due Covid-19-infection. S. Yin and colleagues (Chengdu/China) evaluated 59 studies with 7071 Covid-19-positive patients and presented the results during the current American Transplant Congress (virtual):

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    Examining why people do not act sufficiently in the face of climate change, despite high knowledge about the problem and positive pro-environmental attitudes, is critical. Marlis Charlotte Wullenkord (University Koblenz-Landau) explored the relations of basic psychological needs and selfdetermination theory with pro environmental behaviour and defensive, self-protective strategies in the face of climate change (publication in "Umweltpsychologie" 2/2020).

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    Intracerebral hemorrhage is a devastating complication in patients treated with extracorporeal-membrane-oxygenation (ECMO) due to acute respiratory or cardiac issues. Despite its high relevance, neurosurgical evaluation and management has insufficiently been studied and evidence-guided decision making with respect to the type of the intracerebral hemorrhage, coagulation management and surgical intervention is very limited.

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    The journal Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling focusses on three areas: psychology-specific statistical methods & problems, general psychometrics, and psychological assessment in theory & practice. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to contribute to any topic of these areas. That is in particular in-depth research work on psychology-specific statistical methods and problems, in-depth research work on psychometrics, and in-depth research work on psychological assessment.

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    The pursuit of drugs is not only to be found among humans, but across different species. The desire for drugs is a fourth drive, alongside hunger, thirst, sex. What are motivations from the perspective of users and experts? Zsuzsa Kalo and colleagues try to give different answers, published in a new reader: "Why? Explanations for drug use and drug dealing in social drug research".

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    Heart or/and lung transplantation: Alloreactive immune response begins immediately after blood circulation is re-initiated and the contact with the donor occurs. The strongest immune response must be expected during this early phase. Antibody-mediated rejection remains an unsolved problem in thoracic transplantation. It typically does not respond to conventional therapies and there are no standardized treatment strategies. Immunsuppressants generally affect only cellular signal transfer, Dr. Rolf Bambauer and colleagues emphasize.

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