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    "Anaesthesiologists play a significant role in the management of cardiac surgical patients during the various stages of Cardiopulmonary Bypass," Steven Bartels and Kathirvel Subramaniam emphasize in the new textbook "Extracorporeal Circulation". "Anesthesie drug administration and maintenance, hemodynamic management, coagulation management, monitoring and prevention of complications and disasters, neuroprotection, and prevention of endorgan injury are important aims of anesthesia management during Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Communication and coordination between the surgical, anaesthesia, and perfusion teams are key to the successful conduct of Cardiopulmonary Bypass and cardiac surgery."

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    A coaching-manual describes ways to becoming a healthy and successful transcultural manager. It guides through the topics of health and sense of coherence, transcultural competencies and identities, managing conflicts across cultures, and systemic perspectives and practices in organizations. The authors are well experienced coaches: Prof. Dr. Claude-Helene Mayer and Dr. Christian Martin Boness. All the theoretical information and practical exercises may provide the reader with ideas on how to cope with managerial responsibilities in a salutogenetic and enjoyable way.

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    Hand hygiene is an important topic in medical environments, as it is one of the simplest and most effective measures to reduce the transmission of germs and pathogens, and thus the spread of diseases. In light of the current development of a global pandemic, the question of how to get people to adopt adequate hand hygiene behaviour, has become a topic of pressing relevance in all areas of everyday life.

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    German experts wrote the world’s first manual on "Ventilation and intensive therapy for COVID-19". This book targets all medical practitioners caring for ventilated patients with critical pathogens. Approx. 70 percent of COVID-19-patients in Germany survive the treatment in critical care units. A lung-protective procedure is essential.

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    Manual for practical psychotherapeutic work with clients from or in war and conflict areas: Prof. Dr. Jan Ilhan Kizilhan and colleagues focus in "Trauma Workbook" on the change of dysfunctional behavior and its sustaining factors. There are two goals: One is the reduction of symptoms, the other is to improve the quality of life or functioning.

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