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    The climate emergency has escalated around the world in 2023 in unprecedented ways as multiple compounding disasters and their health impacts have increased exponentially. It is one of the greatest public health threats of our time. The consequences have included the destruction of livelihoods, increased hunger, human suffering, and death and have led to increasing inequities within and between countries. While the planet experiences floods, heat waves, crop failures, fires, water shortages and more, fossil fuel subsidies have risen to a record high. We urgently call for the implementation of the strategies proposed in the IPCC 2023 report.

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    Surgery professor produces video for New England Journal of Medicine to cut down on post-surgery infections that take a high toll on patients and the health-care system.

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    "Because of an increasing awareness of Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) and a more widespread use of the diagnostic in-vitro contracture test, it is not unusual for an anaesthesiologist to be confronted with an MH susceptible patient or a patient who has a family history of MH. The management of such patients should be carefully planned. The provision of safe anaesthesia includes a sufficient preoperative interview and adequate premedication on the one hand and an anaesthesia without triggering agents and suitable monitoring on the other hand," M. Steinfath and F. Wappler emphasize in the textbook "Malignant Hyperthermia".

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    Scientists of the Global Cardiovascular Risk Consortium under the auspices of the Department of Cardiology at the University Heart & Vascular Center of the Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) and the German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK) have proven that the five classic cardiovascular risk factors overweight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, and diabetes mellitus are directly connected to more than half of all cardiovascular diseases worldwide. High blood pressure is the most significant factor for the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes.

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    Innate immunity provides much more than an initial host defense against microbial infection. Besides providing a broad range of protection against infection, components of innate immunity respond to tissue injury; they promote repair, contribute to the genesis of autoimmunity, respond to vaccines, and watch for cancer. Beyond these clearly immunological conditions, innate immunity is implicated in allergy, atherosclerosis, malignancy, obesity and osteoporosis conditions that plague many patients including transplant recipients.

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    The innate alloimmunity enables living beings to survive. How does it work in detail? Prof. Dr. Walter G. Land describes the mechanisms and dynamics in his textbook "Innate Alloimmunity - Part 1: Innate Immunity and Host Defense".


    "Since early on in evolution multicellular organisms have had to struggle to protect themselves against pathogens. Mechanisms for discriminating ´self ´ from ´nonself´ evolved to do this task, launching a long history of host-pathogen coevolution. Over the course of this never-ending cycle, evolution of mechanisms of immune defense has resulted in several effective strategies.


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    The prevalence of autoimmune diseases in the population - 3 to 5% - underlines the importance of autoantibody diagnostics in the public health sector. Autoimmune thyroid diseases are currently considered to be the most common autoimmune diseases, followed by rheumatoid arthritis, antiphospholipid syndrome and autoimmune liver diseases. The volume "Autoantibodies in Systemic Autoimmune Diseases" meets the requirements of a comprehensive and useful reference book for the serological diagnosis of systemic autoimmune diseases.

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    Hemodialysis: Dialysis water free of bacterial contamination and void of chemical contaminants is of paramount importance, and continuous actions should be taken to improve and maintain its status, Carlo Boccato and colleagues emphasize in their textbook "Water and Dialysis Fluids - a quality management guide".

    Dialysis water purity requirements have evolved over time to satisfy new therapeutic objectives in the renal replacement therapy field.


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    New research looking at the cosmological constant problem suggests the expansion of the universe could be an illusion.

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    Rekonstruktive urologische Chirurgie: Nach einer Zystektomie ist für die Mehrheit der PatientInnen ein orthotoper Harnblasenersatz indiziert. Urologen der Universitätsklinik Ulm empfehlen die Versorgung mit der Ileum-Neoblase nach Hautmann und stellen die Vorgehensweise detailliert im Standardwerk "Rekonstruktive urologische Chirurgie" vor.

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