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Psychosocial and Medical Rehabilitation

Notes for authors

By sending the manuscript, the author automatically declares that the manuscript sent by him is free of third-party rights and approved by all participating authors of a working group. He/she transfers the exclusive, spatially and temporally unrestricted right to print, reproduce and exploit of any kind for all languages and countries to the publisher. This applies to the text as well as to graphic representations and photographic illustrations.

In the case of illustrations in which a patient is recognizable, the author is responsible for ensuring that the reproduction is authorized by the portrayed person or his or her legal representative. He is also responsible for the complete anonymization of patient-related data.

The manuscript is to be sent to the publisher as a hard copy and as a floppy disk in compliance with the following instructions on formal layout.

In case of more than one author, please indicate which one should receive the proofs.

The manuscript must be edited and proofread in terms of both form and content in such a way that subsequent changes will not be necessary. The author receives one proof of the typesetting, in which only typesetting errors may be corrected. Subsequent changes to the content are no longer possible or must be charged to the author.

Formal layout of the manuscript

The manuscript should be sent to the editors by email (pkv@pabst-publishers.com), taking into account the following instructions on formal layout:


1. title of the paper

2. names of all authors

3. institution or clinic with indication of location

4. abstract (this should give the reader an adequate impression of the content of the paper in just a few sentences)

5. keywords

6. text of the article

7. any footnotes used

8. bibliography

9. any acknowledgements or references (e.g. to the funding of a project by an institution)

10. addresses of the authors

The text should run continuously. That is, you should not use separators or page breaks, and you should place returns only at the end of a paragraph, before and after tables and figures, and in bulleted lists or the like.

When designing and formatting indents, spacing, or tables, please use tabs to create spacing, never use spaces! There should never be more than one space between two words or more than one return between two lines.

Please place emphasis in the text in italics (no underlining).

Tables and figures should be listed on separate sheets and numbered consecutively in Arabic. At the place where they are to be inserted in the text, you should only add the respective table or figure caption. Please use the abbreviations "Tab." or "Fig.". Example: Text, Text, Text,

(blank line)

Tab. 3: Standard diagnostics

(blank line)

Text, text, text,

text, text, text,

(blank line)

Fig. 2: Area-specific recommendations

(blank line)

Text, text, text,...

If you refer to tables or figures in the text, please do not write "in the following", but "in table X" or "in figure X".

The separately enclosed tables and figures should then only be identified with their Arabic numbering (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, .... Tab. 1, Tab. 2,...). Use only tabs (no spaces) to align columns in tables.

Figures should be provided as high-contrast original documents or good copies.

Headings must be clearly marked with numbering (these will be replaced in print by different font sizes) and with bold type.


1. Framework concept

1.1 Measures at the macro level

1.1.1 Clarification of quality objectives

1.2 Measures on the micro level

1.2.1 Clarification of quality objectives


References in the text are made by quoting the author's family name and the year of publication of the work.

Example: Fiedler (1996) showed that..... As has been shown (Zielke, 1993), it is the case that.... Bange and Deegener (1996) showed that.... In another paper (Backhaus & Riemann, 1996), it was shown that... It has been pointed out several times (Beck, 1995, Fiedler, 1996) that..... Wittchen (1996, p. 68) points out that....

All works referred to in the text must be included in the bibliography. All references in the bibliography must also be found in the text. They are to be arranged alphabetically according to the first author's name in each case.

The psychological citation method (according to the guidelines of the German Society for Psychology) should be used as a standard.

Psychological citation method

(The usual underlining or highlighting can be omitted)

Journal articles: Surname(s), initial(s) of first name(s). (Year). Title of the article. Name of journal, volume, page numbers.

Example: Zielke, M. & Wagner, A. (1995). Veränderungen der Krankheitsbewältigung in der psychosomatischen Rehabilitation. Praxis Klinische Verhaltensmedizin und Rehabilitation, 31, 198-213.

Books: Surname(s), initial(s) of first name(s). (Year). Book title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Example: Petry, J. (1996). Psychotherapie der Glücksspielsucht. Weinheim: Psychologie Verlags Union
Zielke, M. & Sturm, J. (Hrsg.) (1994). Handbuch Stationäre Verhaltenstherapie. Weinheim: Psychologie Verlags Union.

Contributions in edited works:

Surname(s), initial(s) of first name(s). (Year). Contribution title. In Initial(s) of first name(s). Editor name(s) (ed.), book title (page numbers). Place of publication: Publisher.

Example: Heilemann, M. (1996). Verhaltenstraining bei gehemmt-aggressiven Männern. In H. Brandes & H. Bullinger (Hrsg.), Handbuch Männerarbeit (p. 243-258). Weinheim: Psychologie Verlags Union.


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