Trauma Workbook for Psychotherapy Students and Practitioners
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Professional psychotherapists specialized in psychotraumatology have become increasingly important in war and conflict areas where many people are severely mentally traumatized by oppression, persecution and violence. In order to meet people’s needs and help effectively in a long term perspective, future psychotherapists as well as practicing, experienced psychotherapists must fulfill a range of conditions: They must be highly skilled at communicating in social interactions with patients. They must be familiar with fundamental knowledge about mental disorders. Finally, they must be proficient at implementing special intervention
approaches and techniques, considering their patients’ cultural background.
This book was produced to contribute to achieving these tasks and goals. It aims at providing help for students as well as for practicing, experienced psychotherapists. It can be seen as an addition to one’s existing knowledge about mental disorders and different psychotherapeutic trauma interventions. Containing various models, a broad selection of exercises and interventions as well as forms and information sheets, it provides both, essential theoretical background knowledge as well as a practical work focus.
Starting with a definition of psychotherapy, it describes different forms of psychotherapy, the therapeutic relationship and aims and goals of psychotherapy with traumatized patients.
Furthermore, several mental disorders, specific interventions and exercises are presented. Last but not least, a description of the therapeutic process and instructions on how to write a case formulation are offered
Several useful highlights of the book are:
- Guiding questions provide you with an overview and focus on what is important.
- Before you move on boxes’ summarize the essentialsand take-home messages.
- Quizzes allow you to do your revision on the contents.
- Exercises and self-reflection allow you to transfer theoretical knowledge to the realm of practical psychotherapeutic work.
- Information sheets for your practical psychotherapeutic work can be used in various ways in your everyday work life, for example as consultation documents for the cooperation between the patient and the therapist, as a checklist for the therapist or as a source of information for the patient.

- Leitung des Studiengangs Soziale Arbeit mit psychisch Kranken und Suchtkranken
- Landesverdienstorden Baden-Württemberg 2016, u. a. für seine Arbeit um die Rechte von Kriegsopfern
- Ramer Award for Courage in the Defense of Democracy 2017